On Thursday this week, architectural leaders from 10 of the top architectural firms in Australia, signed a Charter for the Australian Institute of Architects (NSW Chapter), Champions of Change initiative. Principals of the 10 firms met at the AIA offices at Tusculum and agreed to work together over a 12 month period to promote and support equitable workplaces within the architectural profession. Firms signing the charter included; Crone Partners, Cox, Architectus, Hassell, BVN, SJB, Woods Bagot, PTW and Batessmart.
The Champions of Change Program has a simple theory behind it; men of influence have the capacity to change the status quo.
Crone Partners look forward to learning more about how we can contribute to this program and as a collective group find creative ways to help change the work environment in Australia. Our aim is to be a more rich, diverse and flexible work place attracting the best talent into the architectural profession and providing men and woman with equal opportunities.